Saturday, July 19, 2014

5 ways for asking a woman if she's pregnant

This is an article I wrote for, however they ended up having enough pregnancy articles for the time being. I didn't want it to go to waste, so I thought I'd share it here with all my pregnant friends. Enjoy.
We've all been there: that moment when you start wondering if your friend is pregnant or has just put on a few pounds. But of course, if she hasn't made the information public there's no easy way to tell before the second, and sometimes third, trimester. It's her business when she wants to make the announcement, of course, but what if you really, really want to know right now? Eventually there will be no hiding the truth, but if you're persistent and persuasive, you might extract the answer to that burning question, "Are you pregnant?" much sooner without ever having to use those words. Here are some tips on how to spoil a pregnant woman.
"How many donuts would you like?"
Pregnant women are known for their cravings, so if you offer to get her some donuts from the store and she asks for five, you might possibly be assured she is pregnant. Anything less than five and she may just be hungry or have a true penchant for those tasty pastries.
"Are you going to be visiting any amusement parks this summer?"
Roller coasters, ferris wheels, even carousels have signs posted cautioning pregnant women against riding them. If the woman you suspect of pregnancy is planning on going to an amusement park, she probably isn't pregnant because it would be a shame to spend that money on rides she couldn't go on. (Though I must admit, I did ride on a carousel once when I was pregnant.)
"Don't you just love babies?"
You must be careful with this question, as it might be construed as leading towards the true question you are seeking an answer to. Try to edge it in between other innocuous topics, such as the weather or recent sport scores. Bringing along a Babies R Us magazine might help. You can gauge how long she stares at each item and maybe even tell the baby's gender.
"Could we get a group together to go see ______ (insert chick flick title here)?"
If she agrees to go, get a seat next to her and bring a pocketful of tissues. Everyone knows pregnant women are loaded with hormones just waiting to boil over with emotional distress. Full on bawling at a minorly tender part of the movie will be a dead giveaway she's pregnant. Less than that and you may have to ask her once in a while if she's crying and keep track of how often she says yes before she asks you to leave her alone.
"Do you want to go shopping with me this weekend?"
If she bursts into tears immediately, pick up a gift card to a maternity clothing store for her during your shopping trip. If she agrees to go but sighs longingly when she sees you try on skinny jeans or flinches when she looks at pictures of models flaunting flat stomachs, start deciding what you'd like to get her as a baby shower gift.
And if none of these methods work, don't be surprised. It would be entirely that woman's prerogative to tell no one she's pregnant until she's headed to the hospital to deliver the baby. If she hasn't told you she's pregnant, it might be best to consider it as none of your business. Here are 5 ways to help parents of infants.